Has anyone ever found themselves so delightfully enchanted with a world of an authors making, that your melancholy at the final pages, then immediately desperate to pre-order whatever the hellllll could possibly come out next?
That's Lisa Kleypas to me.
And it's solely because of this woman's incredible skill to bring to life characters you are almost instantly bewitched by. In a world of ball gowns, afternoon tea, and moonlit rendezvous in candle lit gardens with dashing suitors and devilish rakes.
Excuse me while I SWOON
And in the "historical romance" field, I'll be strait up.........there are some main characters I could seriously BIOTCH slap if given the chance.
I have yet to meet a character of such qualities in a Kleypas novel that have invoked the wrath of my back hand. And that quality stands to date.
Cassandra is delightful. Her charm and innocence, but her free-breathing nature makes her struggle within the confines of the regency. And I Love It. Plus girl has some extra weight, which Girlfriend I FEEL YOU .
Her inquisitiveness and frankness about the difficult confines of society (including: HighHeelHell, men being forgiven for their SKEEZY nature, a kiss is a kiss So What, and that true love is out there and I don't want to settle for less) is refreshing and I was very quickly invested in her finding said True Love.
Tom was also a very interesting piece of this puzzle. He's cold, and aloof. Jumping from one pleasure to the next (but not in the party boy sense as we have seen her characters struggle with in the past) and sorts his 5, yes 5, emotions to best suite his interests.
He has no interest in love, comes from a broken home, and wants marriage to be treated much like a business transaction.
We met Tom Severin in past books of the Ravenl's series, and honestly, I always thought he was kinda a shady cat. But yet again Kleypas has made what appeared an unfeeling Rake to slither himself into my heart; but damn if I'm not more than alright with it.
There isn't a whole load of conflict here, which was kind of disappointing. It also called me notice that I opened this book and what felt like minutes later I had turned the last page.
I just wished there had been a tad more conflict of some sort or an adventure for our main characters, or perhaps a deeper look into their lives post-marriage.
This by no means takes away from my overall rating or recommending of this book. It was a decidedly lighter read, with lighthearted fun, moments that will make you chuckle, and two main characters you will find perfectly imperfect coming together to try and complete one another. And mad respect for the amount of research LK puts into writing this books. Her sheer level of devotion truly brings to life a world of pure authenticity.
SIDE NOTE: (yes all caps and underlined cause this shizz is Important) There is a recipe at the end of the book. I repeat, THERE IS A RECIPE AT THE END OF THE BOOK. Is this review rushed? YES. Why? Cause I need to go make me some of Lady Cassandra's afternoon tea scones, that's why ho.
For more on the romantic, weird and steamy book world, check out more of my reviews on Goodreads at:
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