**Spoiler Alert**
(cause I'm a liar, but to do this book the justice it deserves, it just has to happen. Sorry)
Oh. Boy.
This frickin' book.
I wish I could genuinely find the words to properly convey the vast array of emotions that went down through the harrowing experience that was my reading of Danielle Steels, Zoya.
I shall use interpretive gifs and the simplest terms of what I felt.
Buckle up bitches.
Here is my review of Zoya.

At first I was feeling pretty confident.
I'm two chapters deep and pretty well immersed in the world of Russian Royalty, as well as falling in love with all the characters we get introduced to.

Apparently in Danielle Steel books its a trap.

Everything. EVERY. DAMN. THING.
It was like Danielle Steel had a personnel vendetta against Zoya and proceeded to strait up John Wick each of the characters she diligently added to the story and built on your affection for.
She makes you care for them.
Then she takes care of them.
Like, quite LITERALLY, takes care of them.
Strait up.
She feels like the George R.R. Martin of romance.
Her hit list includes Zoya's:
AND, lastly but definitely most furiously,

I don't know if it was just how the relationships were established and developed over time here, or that i'm just a big blubbering mess, but good god this whole book had me going from


and finally

And in case I haven't used the word SERIOUSLY enough, perhaps now we can fully understand that I am in no way, shape, or form PLAYIN'.
This book.
It did me in.
Evidence to prove that point; I strictly keep a sleep schedule where I am literally in bed by 8 and asleep by 8:30. It is now 10:15 here on the west coast and not only am I not in bed, nonono, but I have actually LEFT my great domain of comfort to write this review because, like I said...
The FEELz, is REALz.
But why you may ask? Was it any good? It made you cry so... it can't be THAT good right?
My honest answer: this was damn solid good read.
Was it something different than anything I've read before? Yeah.
Have I been in a book slump and apparently needed something that was going to take an emotional wrecking ball to my temporal lobe and blow out my tear ducts? Heh, apparently.
So in conclusion, yeah this book was pretty dang good.
It was decently entertaining
It had a bit of romance(which was like, literally bare minimum on my steam scale. BUT I'm letting it slide because emotionally I just didn't have any compunction for steam at any point throughout.)
It had a rich (if slightly loose) basis in actual historical events.
Finally, it had a heroine whose story was so freaking tragically dramatic that I, among all others who see a train wreck happening and can't seem to look away, genuinely could not look away.
I found myself praying throughout the book that it would end on the 'happily ever after' ending.
In it's own special way. it did.
Was it a classical romance where the man of her dreams and her ride off into the sunset to their castle of no-mo-troubles land? No. (and please for the love of GOD don't go into this book expecting that.)
In fact a lot of the peace you get at the ending is that such a strong women endured such horrors and still came out the other side.
I could only hope that in Miss Steel's world, Zoya someday is able to ride off into her own sunset.
God knows that girl deserved it.
*Side Track Note*:
Being someone of the non-fiery red/copper/flameish color hair variety, I found the excessive descriptions of Zoya's hair color to be......well...excessive.
You got good locks babe, cool.
Or is this chick the walking equivalent of cousin IT, cause all peoples reactions to her, have to do with her hair.
Move along.

It's amazing that a pet peeve I have in books written in recent times, can transcend the power of time, to ALSO be in various books of the past.
But alas, that just seems to be romance baby.
5 soulfully-invested stars 🎇
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