Well, sometimes you feel it.
Other times, you feel it in the booty. coughcoughwink
And what a pain that is, lemme tell ya.
I've read quite a few books by Cassie Cole now and have discovered A LOT more about what it takes to build, maintain, and sustain your own Male Harem.
I, just like every other steam loving women out there, have read these books much like a 'How To' guide in the hopes that one day, I too, could have my own bodybuilder-esque Harem of men waiting to indulge my every want and need.
(even though I know my awkward A$$ would end up responding to a hot guy proposition all Ala Gene Wilder)

Oh the life of an introvert...
I was game.
I was ready.
Until...I got kinda tired.
Where in books Cole has written in the past, I feel the investment, that overwhelming draw to each and every partner in the puzzle, the forbidden love and rocky bumps of emotional attachments forming....Kinda like Tetris....but with more ding dong...and booty <s> COUGH </s>
I don't know if it was just the overall jumping strait into the fire with the relationships in this book, or perhaps it was my disinterest with the underlying story line, That was kinda overwhelmed with all the COPIOUS AMOUNT OF GRATUITOUS LOVE MAKING HAPPENING (which I'm so usually Here For, but just didn't feel...necessary)
And come on...the Big Twist on the bad guy here...Maybe I'm just a psychic, but honestly saw that brick coming from six blocks over.

So, maybe it was that, we started to get into the emotional side of each one of her BOYS and why they wanted her or why they tried to resist, but then we quickly jump to them gettin' jiggy with it....and promptly forget any hangups...cause....sex = Love....right?
1's a party
2's a tower
3's for power
but 4......I feel like I just need a shower.

And where i found that each of the guys could potentially have their own types of underlying thing, they all pretty much blended together at one point. Which was sad because one of the things I love about these complex relationships is that each character IS significantly different from one another.
(Unrelated Side Note:)
I shall also be adding to the Dictionary of Words That Will Make Me Dry Heave No Matter The Context That They Are Used In. Because I will physically bleed from my eyes and ears if I ever see or hear the word gape used in the context I heard it here EVER AGAIN.
Anyways, back to it.
But I think my real frustration lies with the lead here: Nadia.
This could just be a severe case of "It's Me, Not You", but I really just didn't like her.
We never really got any story about here life (family, early life, etc.), and just kinda had to go with the premise that she is a fantastic dancer, singer, and actor. Plus, she's a freak. So. Yeah.
I didn't like how quick she was to jump all over each of these guys (which is totally calling the kettle black her, cause if I was in her shoes..)
I might have forgiven it, IF there had been some sign of emotional setbacks, but nah. Girl was strait up ready to go 24/7.
And the Butt. OHHHHH HO HO Don't even get me started on that cup of tea honey.
Judas Priest sister. Take it easy will ya.
I get it. Some people are into that. Me? Not so much (or more accurately not NEARLY as much as Nadia.)

It could have just been a perfect storm of circumstances here for me, but the whole thing just left me feeling pretty meh. So here I am. Wallowing in my MEHness.
I still want that harem tho...
2.65 would-have-much-preferred-a-harem-of-phantoms-of-this-opera stars🎇
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