
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Veraza's Choice by Susan Trombley

Veraza's Choice (Into the Dead Fall, #5)

Its been AGES since I read the Dead Fall series, and usually that means a fair amount of 
"who is this? wait, where are they? umm do i know you?"  
moments that tend to make re-imersion slightly challenging.

Not for this puppy.

Were there moments where it took me time to remember exactly who is who, and what is what? 
Yeah, but you can't fault a girl when there's so many beasties runnin' around.

But overall, there was really no difficulty getting back into the series, and remembering the structure of this beautiful disaster of a world.
And the main reason I was able to do so: The uniqueness of these dang books.

The Dead Fall reminds me of a slightly post-apocolyptic, sci-fi, AI intelligence from hell, Tim Burtonesque dreamskape.

Which..yeah..doesn't make a whole lot of sense...
But in short, The world is truly something yet to be seen. 
(I also realize that with the vast amount of books out there I'm sure there are certain worlds that are similar, but I obviously haven't read those because this is a one of a kind for me Homie). A place where AI intelligence has created a wormhole that can open on random planets and suck various creatures, and even entire civilizations into it. Survival against other creatures, AI's minion wormy thingies(*fully body shiver*), and a decrepit junkyard of forgotten cities. 

But, to make this precarious journey a bit easier?


and not just any old romance NO HO HO, but RH romance....



Take all my money, all my heart, and all my weird steam lovin' soul.

So, what about this book in particular?
We get to go back to my favorite trio from the second book,  Key to the Dead Fall. 
 Evie, Doshak and Gray. 

Evie the earth girl pulled in through the Nexus and her two mates (one a classic gray alien that through the power of love now has a dingdong and 12 pack abs, and the other a spider/scorpion-esque warrior giant with a heart of gold) are living their lives in New-Omni among the... 
(Pause: I can't remember how to spell the species of tree....ancilla?..Anicilla?...shoot...Oh well) protective defense of trees. Also in N-O are Evie's sister Alice and her harem, Jane and her minotaur mate, the various children of said characters, and then the other beings who are yet unmated. Life is content, has order, and is swell and kinky in the Gray household.

New-Omni is being threatened by NEX (the AI who runs this effed up carnival sideshow of a world) who wants Evie to perform experiments on. All of which, has basically been a resounding issue the group of main characters have faced since they were pulled into this world.

Now Veraza.....


He was a tough biscuit to crack. We met him in previous stories (Briefly getting his wings torn off by Iyaren ((Alice's lion-esque mate)), and in the last story working with NEX towards revenge against Iyaren) and there wasn't a whole lot to go off of on him because:
a.) he's literally described as a bird man with feathers, a beak, talons, and legs that fold backward (*inner shudder*)
b.) he's strait up only motivated by revenge.

But what made me first fall in love with Veraza?

 She marked her place in the book by folding down the edge of one of the pages. The sight of that desecration made Veraza want to cringe.

 The fact that he was absorbed in trying to read what many would have described as a "trashy romance novel"-much to Evie's annoyance-just made his intent pose more charming. 

Ahhh a bird man after my own hard-cover heart. Swoon.

His and Evie's initial encounter and NEX's plan for them set me on edge, but after learning more about Veraza's past, how he came to Dead Fall, and why his motivations lie where they are, opened up my heart to this poor feather covered bird man dude.

I don't know if you can tell.....I still am having a tough time describing him...

My hat is off to Susan Trombley, because I've found there are certain things I tend to find in RH books that just don't float my boat. One of which is adding new members to the core harem over time. In the past I feel like the complexity of adding that new member tends to be brushed over, when we all know Good and Well that puzzle piece is gonna take some maneuvering to fit just right.

I liked that it wasn't all acceptance or happy rainbow sunshine for Veraza, Evie, Doshak, and Gray. There was struggle, the awkward inclusion of another member to the family, but it was wrapped up so nicely that I am setting aside any of my prior bias' to simply accept the enjoyment

This book seriously ends on a note that I think opens up the HUGE possibilities for more novels for the series (or potentially a spin-off??) where we get the opportunity to look at the lives of the children of the main characters. Which frankly, I am so down for. 

And to all my Romance With Aliens Who Look Like Aliens Group peeps, here's to another great book added to the growing list of hot romance with an alien lookin' alien.

Well this review is a mess. But I hope what you get from it is that this is a very entertaining series. One which I would more than happily read again, just to be able to visit this world and characters again and again.

 Side Note: I have no idea why this is so funny to me but..

"Now isn't the time to worry about Veraza's choice, Evie." 

Why do I find it so FRIGGIN' funny whenever the title of the book is an actual line in the story. Just me? I don't even know why I laugh so hard about things like this, but I suppose everyone has their thing...
this apparently is mine.... Oh Well.

4.49 I'm-ready-to-get-sucked-through-that-wormhole-ANYTIME-boo stars ๐ŸŽ‡

Check out more of my reviews on the weird, romantic and the steamy on goodreads at:
๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿค–❤Book Reviews by FlewB'DoobeyDoo ❤๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿง›‍♂️

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Crown of Crystal Flame by C.L. Wilson

Crown of Crystal Flame (Tairen Soul, #5)

How does one truly tell others the vast magic that is a series of books without spoiling that incredible fantasy for them?

.....they struggle....immensely....

because trying to explain a book so rife with life usually just comes out like a crazed hobo yelling all the reasons why they love something at you.
So without coming across as a crazy-eyed obsessive fangirl here, I'll just let you know that, simply put, the final book in the series is wonderful.

From book one of the Tairen Soul series, the first thing that absolutely hooked me in was the incredible world building. We've grown, changed, and felt the heartache and triumphs alongside this cast of incredible characters. We've flown on Tairen back to the farthest lands and lived amongst a world overflowing with magic and intrigue. Which is, frankly, making it extremely difficult to want to return to reality...

The final book in the series is such a whirlwind from the get go, that you find it hard to put the book down for even a second.


I picked it up yesterday at 12:35 pm, 
and read the final page at 8:48 pm....

Anyways, back to the goods.

War has begun. Battle lines are being drawn, strategies are coming to light, pain and suffering ensues, but always keeping our hope alive that Rain and Ellie will find peace.
Ellie will finally unleash her Tairen.
Shan and Elfya will be free and to get meet their daughter.
Lillis and Lorelle will escape the mists, and find Kieran and Kiel.
The High Mage watsHisface will die a horrible agonizing death.
Dorian and Annoura will find the love they thought lost in their marriage.
And above all:


Get ready for the laughs, tears, heartbreak, cheers for even the smallest victories and most of all, a damn fine adventure.

Yes, I know, I the frozen wasteland hearted witch truly cried during this book. Which, safe to say does NOT happen often.

But yes, I got emotional for several reasons in this book.
 I can't really go into detail on them, but just understand that in war, not all victories are won. Not all hopes are answered, and not all hearts are left whole.

(one of which felt like it actually took a part of my soul with it into the ether, but whatev's didn't need that anyways...)

So after taking a day (or rather about 16 hours) to sit on this review and properly get my feelings in check, it's safe for me to say that this book was a phenomenal end to an already breathtaking series. In a heartbeat I would recommend this series to anyone who wants to be sucked into a world where not all glitters are gold, where true love awaits, where hearts break and soar, and where you will find yourself both desperate for answers and desperate for the pages to never end.

I've already highlighted in past reviews my not-quite-healthy levels of love for fictional elves (ala Tolkien), and getting to read possibly the most BadA$$ scene in this book (which YES, did involve a fist pump and whispered "Elves Biotch!". I have no shame. I own this.)

 "That glow-and their distinctive cavalry, some winged and others graced with a single spiraling horn - identified the newcomers even before Rain discerned the distinctive leaf-shaped scales of their armor and delicate, tapering points of their even-more-distinctive ears.
 Despite Galad Hawksheart's numerous refusals, the Elves had come at last to join the war." 
Which totally didn't give me flashbacks to the Elves coming to man's aid at the battle of HelmsDeep......

And I would also like to say: I WOULD REALLY LIKE SOME MORE... I mean K&K and L&L get hinted at the end there....and your just not going to do anything about it????? TF come on now.

But after waiting yeaaaaars for The Jaguar King to come out (and now having to apparently wait another 10 GD Years because the most recent release date is December 31st 2030), I think it's safe to say I can't really hold out much hope. 

I'd love to see more about Bel and Gaelen, or Shan and Elfya, especially the Lilliis/Lorelle/Kieran/kiel since it was friggin coughcoughwinked strait into our minds, but I will just consider myself lucky to have what I have from them.

5 Tairen-Soul stars๐ŸŽ‡

Monday, February 17, 2020

Sworn to the Shadow God by Ruby Dixon

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I have come to an overwhelming decision in my life....

The reason that Ruby Dixon is able to write such enthralling, steamy, "eat some leftovers cause I'm staying in tonight" books about Gods.....
Is because.....She is in fact....


I just happened to be browsing on my kindle when suddenly BOOM, this bad boy immediately pops on my screen.

Like Hi, Hello, How are ya? Were you doing anything today?

For those who haven't read the first book in the Aspect and Anchor series,
Make sure you don't have any important events coming up CAUSE HONEY.
These books become your daily events.

I have been Dieing (LOL) for Rhagos' book for what feels like a gah damn eternity now.

and suddenly...
I have it.

And its just as GAH DAMN fantastic as I was hoping it would be.

Max: She's the average joe gal: glasses, awkward, hates her boss, works a job where the Dick Penis DingDong rules the roost. You get it.
(side Bonus: She doesn't have immaculate breastesses. IBTC for the win! Rep us girl!)
 Anyways, how does Max end up in the next anticipation?
Well, fate.....for minimal spoilers sake. Fate. 

She's awkward, horrifyingly optimistic, and faces so many difficult decisions, and yet always stays true to her. She chooses others happiness and health over her own (even when she damn well shouldn't), which in some stories can be a real drag.
'Oh she chose them, she's so selfless, ohhh look at her in all her selflessness...' BLEH.
But, Max is selfless without the worship. She gives and cares for others because she genuinely cares about them. I seriously liked her. 

This is now two solid female characters that feel like what any of us (women who dream of being transported into a chaotic dream world to partner with the love of our lives) would probably face, and give realistic reactions and responses (AKA. Non-Insta-Katniss-Everdeen). BonusBonus: she's funny. Not like a HAHAHAHAHA funny, but more like a 'unattractive snort to yourself' kind of funny.
<i>"Their faces are dirty, their clothing rough, and one of the men leering at me has like, three teeth. If someone picks up a banjo and starts playing the Deliverence theme, I'm out of here."

"I am the Goddess of Knowledge. You think there is anything i don't know?"
"Do you know what this means?" I snap, flipping her the bird.</i>
Seriously. Max was a delight.

<b> Rhagos</b>: BISH. biiiiiiiiishhhh. Rhagos is so friggin' book boyfriend material that, as we speak, I am immediately making changes to said list now. As the God of Death he has lived a lonely existence, and longs for the bond connection he has seen another God (book one in the series coughcough go read it coughcough ) have with his anchor. 

BONUS: he's the God of Death which totally reminds me of Hades (who is myth boytoy #1) so this automatically means I love him. I don't make the rules here, it's just logic.
He's tricky, powerful, but above all else, he just wants someone to talk to. To care for him. Someone who doesn't fear him and wants to be by his side for all eternity. 

Through fate  (COUGHEMMGHHFLLEE) Max and Rhages are paired for the next anticipation, and go through trials unlike we saw in the first book.

Im floundering...because at this point it is nearly impossible to tell you much more about the book without giving away spoilers, key plot points, or any GD SPOILERS.

This world is so fantastically magical, and in a way we haven't seen done a million times over. The Gods are cruel, the world is unforgiving of the weak, and to watch the main pair struggle through this is truly something to delight/throw your money at. 

Cause I'll say it once, I'll say it twice, I love me a damn book map.
(particularly when I'm confused exactly where we are, and also for times when I just want to explore the overall landscape we've been transported to.)

And when I say we get transported to the world, I mean it.
Now, Ruby Dixon is not just a God simply because of the imaginative, beautiful and entertaining story that she has created here.

Sit down students, class is in session

Sworn to the Shadow God is 645 pages.
Bound to the Battle God was 666 pages.
They were written, published and delivered to our greedy paws 9 months apart.

We all know what it's like to have to sit and wait what feels like eons for a new book in a series we love, and must find other ways to pass the time, BUT WAIT THERES MORE!

But between those 9 months of lonely waiting for our God of Death, Ruby Dixon published 8 other books (yes some of which are novellas but a BOOK is a GD book homie).

That's essentially a book a month while we're waiting.

This gal y'all. Not only can she write such an incredibly fantastic tale of adventure, love, loss and dedication, BUT she can also put out 8 other dang good books to bide some dang time and keep our greedy little hearts happy.

I know authors always have things waiting on the back burner, and have multiple things going at once, but honestly you'd never know it reading this book. You'd swear she went on sabbatical for a month to focus all her time on this beautiful puppy.

 In a cruel world of 'sorry my next book will be out in the next year, two years or hell it may never actually come out, but I'll keep you in a perpetual state of waiting'
Ruby Dixon,

Which I more than believe puts Ruby Dixon on the true throne of author Godhood.
She is truly the Goddess of sci-fi, adventure, steamy reads.

And Good Giddy Aunt I will recommend this book to anyone who wants to get lost in a world that you'll beg to be returned to when you've finished the final page.
5 give-me-Death-give-me-war-Gods-Damn-It-Give-Me-MORE! stars ๐ŸŒŸ

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Six Months With Cerberus by Naomi Lucas

Sweet Mother of Mythology!
(and conflicted reviewers..)

For those of you out there who never found yourself tail deep in a variety of mythological drama,
Hey hun.
How are ya.

This book is one of those concepts where I genuinely could have cared less who the author was, what the cover looked like, or how much it cost. 

LORD, I am a strait up Hooker for anything and everything Hades and Persephone.
At this point in my life I will pretty much consume any story that has any type of connection to mythology at all. 
I feel like I've read so many that I'm starting to forget how tragic, nasty, and drama-infested the original myths are....
Anyways...I'm waffling on. 
Onward to the story!

Now, I won't mislead you. 
In this book, the focus of the story is Cyane and Cerberus, with Hades and Persephone as somewhat smaller contributors to the main scheme of things.

The main character Cyane has been alone her entire life, waiting for the day to finally answer the note left by her supposed 'father' for her, and to travel to meet him in Sicily during the celebration of Thesmophoria.
 Thesmophoria: the celebration of Goddess' Demeter and Persephone, and the return of Persephone to the underworld.

Cerberus, the gate guard to the land of the dead, was gifted a human body from Hades and is still as dog-gone tough, scary and intimidating as ever.
Through la-di-da's and doo-de-doo's that ensue, Cyane finds herself in the underworld, and at the will of the Gods therein. Including Cerberus, who has taken an instant fascination to the living mortal.

This trip, just that...
A Trip.

and least for myself.

I'm kind of in this momentary state where words of many sorts and colors are coming to mind to describe this book. 
Some good, some bad, some steamy.
All double breaded and deep fried in confusion.

The concept of the book was incredibly intriguing, and felt new considering the vast amount of stories 'based on' the Grecian myths. 

The writing was well done, the story woven into a realistic fantasy of what interactions between Gods and Goddess' of myth in dealing with a mortal. my confused and conflicted ass sits...conflictedly.

There were moments where I was confused. 
Like SERIOUSLY confused. 
And trust me, teaching first grade, you are confused a majority of your day. 
There were moments that felt disjointed, like you were here, NOW your there! kind of teleporting action if that makes sense. I found myself going back multiple times just to try and understand exactly where we are now, and what the heck is happening.

One of my bigger points of contention: Cerberus. 
 I Was SOOOO down for that. 
But for some hookey-pokey reason, some of his actions in the story left me feeling somewhat....cold towards him.
 I'm not sure what exactly it was he was doing and thinking that made me feel that way, but I just never really got the 'love' or 'lovingly' or 'whateverthefluck' feeling from him. 
Which totally bites....
I think it was so interesting the interactions between what was once this great beast of legend, and confronting a Human Mortal and feelings he has never felt before. 
But still, SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG WITH ME, because I just felt like something was missing. I wanted more. More of the building between Cyane and Cerberus.
More of the conflict.
More of the emotions and feelings.
...More. Period.

And don't even get me started on Hades...… (FANTASY BOYFRIEND FOR LIFE). I think it was my least favorite portrayal of Hades I've read...IDK my head hurts, my heart burns and I'm lost in my feelings.

This review has been a pain in my booty to try and write.
 I think it's because of my discombobulated feelings I have, post-reading this book. 
I was caught between not being able to put the dang thing down, and not really knowing WTF was going on. 
Naomi Lucas has some serious freakin' talent, and homegirl can write a romance to blow your damn socks off. 
Which made me sad that my socks remained in place for this one. 

Was this my favorite? It hurts my heart to say, but, Not Really.
Was it a solid read that I think delivers some time burning entertainment? Oh most definitely.
Was there twists and turns, adventure, and STEAM? YES, YES, MF'in YES boo.

And yet...I feel like I just needed something more....
Maybe it's a "me, not you" thing, or I am officially needing to start packing my things to head on over to the looney bin. 
'Cause I think I'm going nuts.

Oh wait...

<b>All in all:</b> the book was good, it was in no way shape or form bad, I'm just left feeling like I either missed something or something was missing.

Will I gladly buy any more books with influences of the Mythological sort?

3.0 Hades-&-Persephone-FO'-EVA stars๐ŸŒŸ

Want more of my reviews of the bizarre, strange, and the steamy? Check me out at:

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Queen Of Song And Souls by C.L. Wilson

Queen of Song and Souls (Tairen Soul, #4)

an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.

I am so utterly and completely invested in this dang serious, that having to put off reading the final book in the series a whole day, felt like watching paint dry on a gray walled office building. 
In other words, painful.

War has begun. Alliances are being tested, strength and cunning are being shown, Ellysetta and Rain still trying to get that mate bond rolling....(angry hair pulling ensues).

This story picks up right where the third left off, and from the gun was a much more exciting read as far as progressing side character story lines. 
With all the build-up at this point, I have so many questions yet unanswered that I actually took the time to write them down.
(mainly because my brain is low on vacancy and needed some space).

Will Elly and Rain complete the mate bond in time?
Is Annoura about to do the GD Unforgivable up in this piece?? (aka Lord Vale)
Will Elfeya and Shannisoran survive and be reunited with their daughter?
Where is Kiel and Kieran??
What in the what are Lillis and Lorelle, and what in the fubwub is happening with them in the mists?? (aka a mysterious reuniting)
How is Lord Barriel doing? 
<b>And when the HECK are ELLY and RAIN going to complete this GD BOND??</b>

While I will say that Wilson has brought forth lots of questions, I will give her the fact that she doesn't hold back on the feels train that she made the ending of this book.

I cried. 
Yes, dear. Me.
 Frozen wasteland of a heart that I am, I blubbered like a child.
sad lilo and stitch GIF
Because that ending just did me in. 

Which just goes to show you what a fantastic of writer that C.L.Wilson is. 
I am so utterly devoted to these fictional characters and their lives, that their pain causes me pain. Their triumph gives me happiness. AND THEIR INCOMPLETE MATE BOND CAUSES ME ALL THE DAMN FRUSTRATION.

And can I say how freaking bad-A$$ it was when the Elves freaking came to the rescue.

 "Not what. Who." Bel's grim expression lightened with the first signs of genuine hope, and he pointed to the line of warriors who had appeared in the distance, surrounded by a faint golden glow. "The Elves have come." 

(I was OBSESSED with Tolkien's Elves and have been counting down the minutes until we finally got to meet the Elves of this world.)

This book was beautiful and tragic and just so dang good that my review could never honestly do it any sort of justice.
BUT, I refuse to not review this book to give it the proper credit it is due, considering it is due more than one could possibly convey.

The main reason I had to make this so short is:
A.) because i refuse to start the next book without reviewing this, because I will inevitably cross story lines and hate myself for it.
B.) C.L. Wilson is a master of world and character building and deserves the recognition of a freaking literature Goddess.
C.) I am literally so desperate to start the next story and get some GD answers that i feel like I may very well go crazy if a prattle on any longer.

Side Note: I want to see Elly's damn Tairen come out so bad. I thought for sure with the golden Tairen on the cover that we would finally get to see it. BUT NO I JUST HAVE TO WAIT GAHHH.

Seriously. Begin this series with caution. You will become soulfully invested.

4.89 Adrial-and-Talisa-Deserve-All-The-Heaven-and-Happiness stars๐ŸŽ‡

Want more of my reviews of the bizarre, strange, and the steamy? Check me out at: