Its been AGES since I read the Dead Fall series, and usually that means a fair amount of
"who is this? wait, where are they? umm do i know you?"
moments that tend to make re-imersion slightly challenging.
Not for this puppy.
Were there moments where it took me time to remember exactly who is who, and what is what?
Yeah, but you can't fault a girl when there's so many beasties runnin' around.
But overall, there was really no difficulty getting back into the series, and remembering the structure of this beautiful disaster of a world.
And the main reason I was able to do so: The uniqueness of these dang books.
The Dead Fall reminds me of a slightly post-apocolyptic, sci-fi, AI intelligence from hell, Tim Burtonesque dreamskape.
Which..yeah..doesn't make a whole lot of sense...
But in short, The world is truly something yet to be seen.
(I also realize that with the vast amount of books out there I'm sure there are certain worlds that are similar, but I obviously haven't read those because this is a one of a kind for me Homie). A place where AI intelligence has created a wormhole that can open on random planets and suck various creatures, and even entire civilizations into it. Survival against other creatures, AI's minion wormy thingies(*fully body shiver*), and a decrepit junkyard of forgotten cities.
But, to make this precarious journey a bit easier?
and not just any old romance NO HO HO, but RH romance....
Take all my money, all my heart, and all my weird steam lovin' soul.
So, what about this book in particular?
We get to go back to my favorite trio from the second book, Key to the Dead Fall.
Evie, Doshak and Gray.
Evie the earth girl pulled in through the Nexus and her two mates (one a classic gray alien that through the power of love now has a dingdong and 12 pack abs, and the other a spider/scorpion-esque warrior giant with a heart of gold) are living their lives in New-Omni among the...
(Pause: I can't remember how to spell the species of tree....ancilla?..Anicilla?...shoot...Oh well) protective defense of trees. Also in N-O are Evie's sister Alice and her harem, Jane and her minotaur mate, the various children of said characters, and then the other beings who are yet unmated. Life is content, has order, and is swell and kinky in the Gray household.
New-Omni is being threatened by NEX (the AI who runs this effed up carnival sideshow of a world) who wants Evie to perform experiments on. All of which, has basically been a resounding issue the group of main characters have faced since they were pulled into this world.
Now Veraza.....
He was a tough biscuit to crack. We met him in previous stories (Briefly getting his wings torn off by Iyaren ((Alice's lion-esque mate)), and in the last story working with NEX towards revenge against Iyaren) and there wasn't a whole lot to go off of on him because:
a.) he's literally described as a bird man with feathers, a beak, talons, and legs that fold backward (*inner shudder*)
b.) he's strait up only motivated by revenge.
But what made me first fall in love with Veraza?
She marked her place in the book by folding down the edge of one of the pages. The sight of that desecration made Veraza want to cringe.
The fact that he was absorbed in trying to read what many would have described as a "trashy romance novel"-much to Evie's annoyance-just made his intent pose more charming.
Ahhh a bird man after my own hard-cover heart. Swoon.
His and Evie's initial encounter and NEX's plan for them set me on edge, but after learning more about Veraza's past, how he came to Dead Fall, and why his motivations lie where they are, opened up my heart to this poor feather covered bird man dude.
I don't know if you can tell.....I still am having a tough time describing him...
My hat is off to Susan Trombley, because I've found there are certain things I tend to find in RH books that just don't float my boat. One of which is adding new members to the core harem over time. In the past I feel like the complexity of adding that new member tends to be brushed over, when we all know Good and Well that puzzle piece is gonna take some maneuvering to fit just right.
I liked that it wasn't all acceptance or happy rainbow sunshine for Veraza, Evie, Doshak, and Gray. There was struggle, the awkward inclusion of another member to the family, but it was wrapped up so nicely that I am setting aside any of my prior bias' to simply accept the enjoyment
This book seriously ends on a note that I think opens up the HUGE possibilities for more novels for the series (or potentially a spin-off??) where we get the opportunity to look at the lives of the children of the main characters. Which frankly, I am so down for.
And to all my Romance With Aliens Who Look Like Aliens Group peeps, here's to another great book added to the growing list of hot romance with an alien lookin' alien.
Well this review is a mess. But I hope what you get from it is that this is a very entertaining series. One which I would more than happily read again, just to be able to visit this world and characters again and again.
Side Note: I have no idea why this is so funny to me but..
"Now isn't the time to worry about Veraza's choice, Evie."
Why do I find it so FRIGGIN' funny whenever the title of the book is an actual line in the story. Just me? I don't even know why I laugh so hard about things like this, but I suppose everyone has their thing...
this apparently is mine.... Oh Well.
4.49 I'm-ready-to-get-sucked-through-that-wormhole-ANYTIME-boo stars ๐
๐๐ค❤Book Reviews by FlewB'DoobeyDoo ❤๐ฝ๐ง♂️