How does one truly tell others the vast magic that is a series of books without spoiling that incredible fantasy for them?
.....they struggle....immensely....
because trying to explain a book so rife with life usually just comes out like a crazed hobo yelling all the reasons why they love something at you.
So without coming across as a crazy-eyed obsessive fangirl here, I'll just let you know that, simply put, the final book in the series is wonderful.
From book one of the Tairen Soul series, the first thing that absolutely hooked me in was the incredible world building. We've grown, changed, and felt the heartache and triumphs alongside this cast of incredible characters. We've flown on Tairen back to the farthest lands and lived amongst a world overflowing with magic and intrigue. Which is, frankly, making it extremely difficult to want to return to reality...
The final book in the series is such a whirlwind from the get go, that you find it hard to put the book down for even a second.
I picked it up yesterday at 12:35 pm,
and read the final page at 8:48 pm....
Anyways, back to the goods.
War has begun. Battle lines are being drawn, strategies are coming to light, pain and suffering ensues, but always keeping our hope alive that Rain and Ellie will find peace.
Ellie will finally unleash her Tairen.
Shan and Elfya will be free and to get meet their daughter.
Lillis and Lorelle will escape the mists, and find Kieran and Kiel.
The High Mage watsHisface will die a horrible agonizing death.
Dorian and Annoura will find the love they thought lost in their marriage.
And above all:
Get ready for the laughs, tears, heartbreak, cheers for even the smallest victories and most of all, a damn fine adventure.
Yes, I know, I the frozen wasteland hearted witch truly cried during this book. Which, safe to say does NOT happen often.

But yes, I got emotional for several reasons in this book.
I can't really go into detail on them, but just understand that in war, not all victories are won. Not all hopes are answered, and not all hearts are left whole.

(one of which felt like it actually took a part of my soul with it into the ether, but whatev's didn't need that anyways...)
So after taking a day (or rather about 16 hours) to sit on this review and properly get my feelings in check, it's safe for me to say that this book was a phenomenal end to an already breathtaking series. In a heartbeat I would recommend this series to anyone who wants to be sucked into a world where not all glitters are gold, where true love awaits, where hearts break and soar, and where you will find yourself both desperate for answers and desperate for the pages to never end.
I've already highlighted in past reviews my not-quite-healthy levels of love for fictional elves (ala Tolkien), and getting to read possibly the most BadA$$ scene in this book (which YES, did involve a fist pump and whispered "Elves Biotch!". I have no shame. I own this.)
"That glow-and their distinctive cavalry, some winged and others graced with a single spiraling horn - identified the newcomers even before Rain discerned the distinctive leaf-shaped scales of their armor and delicate, tapering points of their even-more-distinctive ears.
Despite Galad Hawksheart's numerous refusals, the Elves had come at last to join the war."

Which totally didn't give me flashbacks to the Elves coming to man's aid at the battle of HelmsDeep......
And I would also like to say: I WOULD REALLY LIKE SOME MORE... I mean K&K and L&L get hinted at the end there....and your just not going to do anything about it????? TF come on now.
But after waiting yeaaaaars for The Jaguar King to come out (and now having to apparently wait another 10 GD Years because the most recent release date is December 31st 2030), I think it's safe to say I can't really hold out much hope.
I'd love to see more about Bel and Gaelen, or Shan and Elfya, especially the Lilliis/Lorelle/Kieran/kiel since it was friggin coughcoughwinked strait into our minds, but I will just consider myself lucky to have what I have from them.
5 Tairen-Soul stars🎇
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